Monday, February 4, 2019


The way the authors shows how the stories are different is by describing how both women moved in the stories and they are both older women. Phyliss in the story Little Cog-Burt was a beautiful woman. She had a husband that was a business owner. They owned slaves. It was a tradition of theirs, that every year they were to cut off some of their hair. I understand maybe they didn’t want their hair to get to long and they may looked like the slaves. They felt that the slaves weren’t smart and they didn’t want them around them.

 They also felt like they were stupid.  The woman felt like she was so much better than the slaves. Her husband wanted to have a party for the slaves but she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to see the black people and their skin and how they were different. They were not all the same but she couldn't blame them for getting sick and dying. She felt that they weren’t being taking care in the right way. The mother of Cog-Burt was a lady that had gave birth to a lot of kids but all them had died expect for him. They did end up having a party.

 The Christmas tree that they had was something very special to them and their people. Cog-Burt was the only black boy that  noticed that the Christmas tree had an angel on it and he wanted it. So, they gave it to the cotton candy machine, we learn that the women didn’t like to be alone. She had her mom in her life for several years but she died and to her, it felt like she lost a part of herself, because that all she knew was her mom.

 Her mom was always there for her, so when she died, she went out to look for a job but could stop thinking about it. She had several jobs; she sold lottery tickets; sold and sew cloths .In both stories, the authors showed that woman can work and  it doesn’t just always have to be a mans job to make a decision or tell a woman what they can and can’t do. Both women really showed that they can be very independent for themselves.

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